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'CHITI' IS CENTRAL TO NATION WE have to undertake the task of. away. awakening our nation's 'Virat'. Let us go forward in this task with a sense of pride of our heritage, with a realistic assessment of the present and a great ambition for the future. We wish to make this country neither a shadow of some distant past nor an imitation of Russia or America. OUR NATIONAL IDENTITY IT is essential that we think about our national identity. Without this identity there is no meaning of independence, nor can independence become the instrument of progress and happiness. As long as we are unaware of our national Identity, we cannot recognise or develop all our potentialities. Under alien rule this identity is suppressed. That is why nations wish to remain independent so that they can progress according to their natural bent and can experience happiness in their endeavour. Nature is powerful. An attempt to go against nature or to disregard her leads to troubles. The natural instincts cannot be disregarded but it is possible to elevate this nature to the level of culture. Psychology tells us how by suppression of various natural instincts different mental disorders ensue. Such a person remains restless and dejected. His abilities slowly deteriorate, and become perverted. The Nation too, like the individual, falls a prey to numerous ills when its natural instincts are disregarded. The basic cause of the problems facing Bharat is the neglect of its national identity. CONDITIONS FOR NATIONAL GLORY IF we have to take the nation to the pinnacle of glory we have to fufil two conditions. The first is that this glory must be the result of our own national endeavour. For this the entire nation's capacity to work needs to be organised. If we full this condition the prosperity we achieve for Bharat would be considered genuine. The second point is that while achieving this prosperity on the basis of organised capacity, Dharma has also to be protected. Organised force by itself is not enough. Even thieves may have a strong organization, but it will neither be permanent nor beneficial, hence it is necessary that our organised capacity should protect Dharma even while conquering glory. EUROPEAN NATIONALISM DESTRUCTIVE IN European countries nationalism led to ruination. But to call Indian nationalism destructive because of this reason is like being once bitten twice shy. It is wrong to presume that our nationalism would be as calamitous as that of these nations. This is not a mere claim, it is the truth, and this truth is supported by thousands of years of history of Indian nationalism. The history of these countries of the world for about a thousand years is full of scenes of destruction, while in the long history of India there is not a single page describing grief caused to man. The entire history of India is full of goodwill for the whole world. The remains of Indian history found in different parts of the world declare to this day the truth that India has striven only for the good of the entire creation. Hence the truth is that if the world is to be saved from the terrible effects of Western nationalism that have resulted from mutual conflict, hatred and competition, we shall have to organist and strengthen Indian nationalism. This way lies the good of the world. NATIONALISM VERSUS RELIGION DURING the regime of the British we had accepted that there are many different communities, like the Muslims and the Christians. in this country and the spirit.of nationalism can be created only by protecting their individual existence. Actually to accept their independent existence on the national level is a big mistake, because to classify society into classes such as Muslims and Christians on the basis of religion is different from nationalism. Followers of the same religion can be nationals of different nations, while a single nation can include the followers of many religions. If nationalism is a sufficiently strong sentiment, religion does not enter it. But today our effort is to accept the independent existence of these communities and then to unify them so that the unification does not require anybody to forsake anything. The funny thing is that nobody Las a clear idea of the unifying element that can bring everybody together. BHARAT IS 'MATA' PRESERVE OUR MOORINGS (Excerpts from the book - "Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya A Profile" edited by Sudhakar Raje.) |