Delhi Jana Sangh in Session
-Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya
[Organiser, 9 May, 1960]
Reappraisal of China Policy URGED: Upadhyaya Condemns Nagpur Violence[Organiser, 9 May, 1960]
Delhi Pradesh Jana Sangh held its Eighth Annual Session at Kotla Mubarakpur suburban locality of Delhi. The conference was presided over by Prof. Balraj Madhok, some 200 delegates attended. Sri Janak Raj, Chairman of the Reception Committee, welcomed the delegates. The session was thereafter formally inaugurated by Pt. Deendayal Upadhyaya, General Secretary, Bharitya Jana Sangh.
Sri Upadhyaya’s Speech
In his inaugural speech Sri Upadhyaya said, “It is unfortunate that the Prime Minister was not prepared to take the people and Parliament into confidence regarding his talks with the Chinese premier.” “The matter is being treated more on personal level between Pandit Nehru and Chou–En–lai or Krishna Memon and Chou–En–lai, rather than on Governmental basis. It is true that the Prime Minister, due to great pressure of public opinion, could not agree to transfer of Aksai–Chin to China. But how are we to believe that there has not been some tacit understanding that after sometime when people’s passions have calmed down, this area will be ceded to China? The Government of India must declare China an aggressor in unequivocal terms, and on official level, and to deal with her as such. Officials should not be sent to Peking. By indulging in endless talks with an aggressor the Prime Minister is compromising India’s position and deceiving the people and him self. Let the people continue to be watchful.”
The J.S. leader urged that the Defence Minister should be removed. He said, “By continuing to entrust the defence portfolio to Sri Krishna Menon, inspite of the people having lost confidence in him, the Prime Minister has only betrayed his insensitivity to democratic public opinion and that he does not attach any importance to the defences of the country. We want a Defence Minister who is non–partisan and whose loyalty to the country is not questioned.”
Nagpur Violence Condemned
Referring to the outburst of violence in Nagpur over the Vidarbha issue, Sri Upadhyaya said, “At a time when the long cherished desire of the people of Gujarat and Maharashtra is being realized it is regrettable that some people in Vidarbha should feel frustrated and resort to acts which no democrat can justify. Arson, loot and violence that have broken out in Nagpur cannot but be condemned. These means will defeat the very purpose that that pro–Vidarbha elements have at heart.”
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Compiled by Amarjeet Singh, Research Associate & Programme Coordinator, Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee Research Foundation, 9, Ashok Road, New Delhi - 110001
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