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The Election Commission has announced the programme for the Third General Elections for all states except Jammu and Kashmir
-Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya
[27 November, 1961]
Direct Elections of the Lok Sabha from Jammu and Kashmir State are necessary to strengthen its bonds of unity with India. Without franchise for the parliament the electorate and the different political parties will hardly take any interest in All India Issues. Let not the people of that state depend upon our armed forces, and consider the military as something sent from Delhi to protect them. Let them feel that they are rulers of the whole country and are responsible for all the policies formulated at Jammu and New Delhi.[27 November, 1961]
The Election Commission has announced the programme for the Third General Elections for all states except Jammu and Kashmir. Due to climatic conditions it may not be possible to hold election in that state simultaneously with the rest of the country. Exception will also have to be made for some constituencies of Punjab and Himachal Pradesh. While the last date for these hill areas has been announced, no decision yet seems to have been taken with regard to the J & K State. It is necessary that this condition of uncertainty be removed at an early date.
Even apart from the election programme, there are still two different sets of laws that govern elections in the J & K State and in the rest of Bharat. The Representation of the Peoples act as passed by Parliament does not apply to that State. Kashmir has its own Act. Under this Act the old practice of voting continues. While in India on the basis of experience gained at the last two elections, number of amendments has been made, the rulers of Kashmir do not seem to have become wiser in this respect. Under the old system of voting, there are greater chances of malpractices, especially of false voting. Serious charges in this respect had been made at that time of the last elections. Recently some elections have also been set aside on grounds of corrupt practices. The people and political parties of the State are apprehensive about the coming elections. It is necessary that these apprehensions be removed and the Indian Law be made applicable to that State also.
Direct elections to the Lok Sabha are also necessary if the bonds of unity with India are to be strengthened. Without franchise for the Parliament the electorate and the different political parties will hardly take any interest in All India issues. An All India consciousness amongst the people is necessary, to counteract the visions propaganda of Pakistan as also to build up the morale of the people against the Chinese. Let them not depend upon our armed forces and consider the military as something sent from Delhi to protect them. Let them feel that they are rulers of the whole country and are responsible for all the policies formulated at Jammu and New Delhi. Those discrepancies should be removed before the next General Elections.
The Elections being a Central subject it is essential that the Election Commission and the Central Government devote greater attention to the conduct of elections in that State. If there is only a put up show perpetrating the stronghold of the present government through questionable means it will not only undermine the people’s faith in democracy but also create tendencies in the ruling junta resulting ultimately in an attitude of defiance of Central authority. Such a dangerous situation has got to be averted.
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Compiled by Amarjeet Singh, Research Associate & Programme Coordinator, Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee Research Foundation, 9, Ashok Road, New Delhi - 110001
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