Let Not Chou Return Empty-HANDED
-Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya
[Organiser, 25 April, 1960]
“Pt. Nehru, Stand Firm!” Jana Sangh’s Weighty Memorandum & Mighty Demonstration (By Special Correspondent).[Organiser, 25 April, 1960]
Teen Moorthi witnessed one of the biggest of most spectacular–even demonstrations staged in the capital in recent, when in response to the call given by the Bharatiya Jana Sangh, Delhi-its mustered in their thousands in front of Pandit Nehru’s residence to urge upon the Prime Minister to adopt a firm attitude in his talks with Chinese Premier Chow–En–lai.
The demonstration comprising of some 15,000 strong men–women was led by Sri Pitamberdas and Pt. Deendayal Upadhyaya, president and General Secretary respectively of BJS.
Meanwhile, Sri Upadhyaya while addressing the demonstrators congratulated them for their successful demonstration. He read out the memorandum for the approval and said–
“You may be aware that on learning about our proposal to organise this demonstration of China had protested to the Indian Government in its regard. China is ignorant of democratic procedures. In this Prime Minister there is an autocrat before whom the people cannot express their feelings. But ours is a democracy. Our Prime Minister has to act according to the wishes of the people. Today we have conveyed to him the sentiments of the nation over this issue. We hope that the Prime Minister will, in his forthcoming parlays with Sri Chou En–lai, keep theist in view.”
The Jana Sangh leader added, “After having demonstrated our feelings thus today, let us allow the P.M. to carry on his talks in a peaceful atmosphere. Let us a eagerly await the day when while bidding farewell to the Chinese Prime Minister, Pandit ji is able to assure us that he has talked to Chinese in firm language and has frustrated any designs that China had. We also hope that the Chinese Premier too will not return form New Delhi empty–handed, and he will take back with him our friendship. But this is possible only if he declares that Chinese forces will withdraw from Indian territory, We cannot rest contented with bidding him adieu just at the Palam aerodrome. We would like to bid him an honourable farewell even from the Aksai Chin areas of Ladakh.”
Referring to the reception proposed to be held by the Chinese Embassy, Sri Upadhyaya said, “The Bharatiya Jana Sangh had demanded that as Sri Cho–En–lai is coming here as the Prime Minister of an aggressing state, there should be no public receptions for him. It is a matter of satisfaction that the Government has appreciated the people’s feelings and refrained from arranging any such programmes. But it is learnt that the Chinese embassy proposes to by pass this arrangement and organise a reception where both officials and non–officials will be invited. One can understand the compulsions and limitations which diplomatic niceties and protocol considerations inevitable place on officials, but I am sure that all non–officials invited to this function will not fail to appreciate that under the present circumstances participation in this Chinese feast will not reflect well on our sense of patriotism. We feel that if Sri Chou–En–lai has really come with a sincere determination to solve this problem peacefully, the Chinese legation here should rather have his entire time and energy concentrated upon the understanding and resolution of the problem.
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Compiled by Amarjeet Singh, Research Associate & Programme Coordinator, Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee Research Foundation, 9, Ashok Road, New Delhi - 110001
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